Alexander Feller, M.D.
Chicago, IL, USA
Alexander Feller has been seriously researching his family history since 1998 which started as preparation for a trip with his family to visit Rohatyn, Ukraine, the town of his mother’s birth, where a memorial service and dedication was being held at the site of two mass graves. In 2008, he attended his first IAJGS meeting where he met in person with other genealogists researching their ancestry from the town of Rohatyn. In hopes of connecting with these and other Rohatyn researchers from around the globe, he subsequently created the Rohatyn Shtetl Research Group.
The group now includes roughly 400 members and has been recently expanded and renamed the Rohatyn District Research Group. In addition to administering the website for the RDRG and moderating the group’s discussion forum, he also serves on the board for the Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois. Alexander had previously served on the board of Gesher Galicia from 2011 to 2016. With one child currently enrolled at Oberlin College and the other college bound, he has found the time to rejoin the board and assist where needed. Alexander obtained his medical degree at the University of Illinois in Chicago and completed his anesthesiology residency at the University of Southern California. Then for fun, he obtained a master’s degree in computer science at the University of Chicago. Alexander has provided the anesthesia service for a surgery center in the south suburbs of Chicago for the past 17 years and currently holds the position as their medical director.